Yoga props

Busybee Woodworks produces a small range of wooden yoga props for personal use.

More props will be added shortly, including a Setu Bandha Bench.

These are made to Iyengar specifications.

You can order a Simhasana Box, a Halasana Bench or a Viparita Karani Box.

The Simhasana Box and the Viparita Karani Box are standard size.


The Halasana Bench is custom-made.

In order to provide your required height, measure from waist to top of shoulder and subtract 5cm.

Lead time on orders can vary, but we aim to keep it in the range of 2-3 weeks, depending on your order. You will be advised of expected lead time when you place your order.

Yoga props
Other Amount:
Include reference e.g Name and/or email address. To avail of Yoga Workshop Offer prices, please mention workshop attended:

Irish-made beehives and wooden products